Rogel Researchers Receive $4M Through Prostate Cancer Foundations Inaugural TACTICAL Awards Program

The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center researchers received one of the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s four inaugural Class of 2022 TACTICAL (Therapy Acceleration To Intercept Cancer Lethality) Award. This $30 million program will support cross-disciplinary pioneering research toward the goal of developing 21st Century therapies for the most life-threatening form of prostate cancer.

Visual Inventory Management Pilot Takes Off at Microbiology Lab

On Thursday, July 15, Scott Marquette, Associate Chief Operating Officer from Michigan Medicine, visited the Clinical Microbiology laboratory at the Department of Pathology. The purpose of the visit was to learn more about the Visual Inventory Management pilot, a new initiative that is intended to help lab staff better organize their tools, resources and assets within the lab setting.

Kristina Martin Receives ASCLS Scientific-Assembly Laboratory Administration Award

The Department of Pathology's Clinical Operations Director Kristina Martin recently received the Scientific-Assembly Laboratory Administration award from the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) at the Joint Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan last month. The award recognizes outstanding professional achievement of an individual ASCLS member within his or her chosen area of academic, scientific, or vocational interest.

Leading the Charge

Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts.  It is about one life influencing another,” John Maxwell.

In early 2020, the truth of this statement came to life in the Department of Pathology.  Our country, our world, was faced with a pandemic caused by a novel virus for which no hard and fast answers were to be had. In the face of constantly changing “facts,” leadership in Pathology was found at all levels. It began with the Chair, Dr. Charles Parkos.

Patient Safety Awareness Week - Critical Values

Join us in recognizing patient safety awareness week by reviewing our critical values policy. Download our flyer that shows the importance of critical values and how they can affect the lives of patients. And finally, if you are a client and looking for an instructional video for the critical values survey, please find that video link below.